The new user-centric energy ecosystem

Under the motto “Change Your Energy”, this EU-funded project seeks to empower consumers to rethink how they use energy, helping them move toward a wholly more sustainable approach.

For most people, energy is an invisible daily companion. We live in its midst, hardly noticing it is there – until it’s gone. We should all think more about how we use energy. Its production and use contribute substantially to CO2 emissions. This is because we still rely much on fossil fuels – 86% of energy produced in the European Union comes from them (source: World Energy Council 2017). Added to that is the ever growing demand for energy and its unsustainable use. But this is where ReDREAM steps in.


4 countries, 744 users

The United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and Croatia are among the most important ReDREAM locations for the next 3 years of the project.

In these countries, this ambitious project will focus on consumers as key players. More than 700 will be part of ReDREAM until 2023. They will help the scientists, researchers, developers and engineers to develop ReDREAM, making it a tool to contribute to reducing climate change.

Learn more about the pilot sites or become part of ReDREAM yourself.

ReDREAM Energy API, Comfort API and Mobility API

The documentation is divided in three API regarding three different purposes. All three APIs are documented in the D2.6: Co-creative connection with third parties and devices document.

  • The comfort API allows users or services to retrieve data related to thermal comfort (e.g., air temperature, humidity, air quality, etc). The Comfort API is documented using the OpenAPI standard.
  • The energy API allows users or services to retrieve data related to their energy usage, sensor data, Key Performance Indicators; and interact with their smart devices such as thermostats, electric vehicles charging posts, etc.
  • The mobility service has the role of providing a simulation infrastructure for forecasting the impact of mobility on energy consumption & charging, and gas emission. It means that the mobility service implements a simulator that evaluates the: a) the quantity of energy (litres of gasoline, watts for electricity) that is consumed by the mobility mean used by the prosumer depending on the daily trip behaviour of this prosumer; b) consumption of energy at home for charging EV when it is plugged on ECP; c) emission of CO2 gas by the mean of transport (excluding EV that is assumed to not emit CO2).

Energy API credentials:

Mobility API credentials:

Comfort API URL: